Cybernetics is the science of systems with purpose.

“We are not the stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves.” Norbert Wiener

Cybernetics is a field of study birthed from the melting pot of intellect and emotion that was the second world war. With the advent of cybernetics, a language could describe both man and machine; as agents that navigate between purpose and noise; making sense of the world through sensation in relation to direction.

Movement and perception

“If you want to see, learn to do” Heinz von Foerster

Arguably the fundamental question of cybernetics is: given an infinite number of things to pay attention to, how do systems coordinate themselves in the world? This question pokes at our understanding of perception. Do we see the world “out there”, or do we only perceive what is useful for us to perceive? Realising the connection between perception and homeostasis, goals and emotion one can begin to see how cybernetics offers insight into movement, perception and psychology more broadly.

Cybernetics in movement

Cybernetics has much to offer the movement world, and upon a careful reading of Moshe Feldenkrais, one can see that it already has. With a dual understanding of the ‘purpose driven’ nature of life and its reliance on ‘noise’, one can easily carve out new tools for any teaching or therapeutic practice. This research led to the following topic, an in-depth exploration of games and emotion.