
Curiosity. Creativity. Joy.

To help you build curiosity, creativity and joy, I am sharing a task-based approach to parkour. Unlike traditional coaching, which provides all the answers, this way fosters your independence by encouraging you to seek novel ways of interacting with your environment.

You will receive three lectures on science based and first-hand tested approaches enhancing joy, creativity and curiousity; the three factors I see as fundamental to a meaningful practice.

Whilst I am available to answer your questions and offer you the highest quality of technical parkour coaching available, this explorative approach is simply more human. It treats you as a whole person, who needs to feel in control of their own progression; to move with genuine interest; to create their own knowledge; to experience joy and to be part of a group.

What you get

  • New tasks and games every two weeks

    Tasks and games encourage you to solve problems, think creatively and explore for yourself. Each two week block of tasks and games is on one topic. The first three blocks are on flow, jumping and climbing.

  • Parkour conditioning

    Work on aspects that are difficult to improve directly from parkour practice, including specific types of elasticity, spatial awareness and dynamic mobility.

  • Science based lectures on joy, creativity and curiosity

    Learn timeless principles and science based tools to get the most out of your movement experience. Learn from three half hour lectures on enhancing joy, creativity and curiosity.

  • Unlimited feedback and group support

    Receive unlimited guidance and feedback on your progress, whilst being supported by a group of peers through online communication. Receive a half hour call with me every two weeks.

  • Why joy?

Joy is a powerful principle to follow because it contains so much: it motivates us to move, it assists our creativity and it helps us overcome fear and stress. Because joy is only activated by unexpectedly good outcomes, it is also associated with natural and sustainable progression. To be more joyful, the practice is designed to emphasise several aspects of joy, including the use of boundaries, the use of non-judgmental attention and the frequency of movement.

  • Why curiosity?

According to research, play is naturally motivated by curiosity. We become curious when we meet something unexpected or not fully known, and then act to gain more information. By inviting play and a specific quality of attention, you will notice a great many things that are surprising. Repeatedly discovering such surprises cultivates an authentic interest that keeps us moving attentively and playfully for the long term. To enhance your curiosity, the practice takes an explorative approach to learning; placing you in relationship to what you don’t know, as much as what you do know.

  • Why creativity?

Creative movement requires us to redefine our beliefs to better fit the environment we inhabit. This process is satisfying and meaningful, offering us an optimism about the future that resonates beyond the moment of movement. To enhance your creativity, the practice asks you to create and solve problems, whilst encouraging a specific type of open monitoring attention that is associated with cognitive flexibility.

The values

  • Joy in movement is the goal of the practice, and for this reason, it is a good place for beginners to start, for intermediates to explore and even for experienced practitioners to reignite the spark. The material can easily be made more or less intense.

  • Four weeks of attendance is 150 GBP, with an eight week minimum commitment. Beyond this eight weeks, I will also share more work and you are invited to stay on longer.

  • Officially, the practice starts on November 18th 2023.

  • After signing up, you will receive two documents: an introductory document, which contains the lectures, and the first block of practice, which contains text instructions and YouTube video links. Communication will be through the app Signal, and fortnightly calls through Zoom or Signal.